GELLI ARTS Gelli Arts Gel Prntng Plate Minis Rct Ovl Hex 0013964721041

Monoprinting without a press! Gel Printing Plates that look and feel like gelatin but are reusable Easy to clean and care for - store at room temperature Made of unique plastic containing mineral -... . Comparez le prix de GELLI ARTS Gelli Arts Gel Prntng Plate Minis Rct Ovl Hex code barre ean 0013964721041 chez Amazon, Ebay, Rakuten, Kelkoo. Créez gratuitement une alerte promo et recevez chaque jour les meilleures promos en ligne et dans votre ville.


Monoprinting without a press! Gel Printing Plates that look and feel like gelatin but are reusable Easy to clean and care for - store at room temperature Made of unique plastic containing mineral - not latex or animal products Use with acrylic paint for best results and easy cleanup

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