Bunn My Cafe Pour-Over Commercial Grade Coffee/Tea Pod Brewer, Stainless Steel, Black 0072504069418

Commercial-quality system is capable of brewing 4-12 oz. of coffee or tea. Fast brewing in about 45 seconds. Portion/volume control. Stainless steel heating tank holds water at the perfect ready-to... . Comparez le prix de Bunn My Cafe Pour-Over Commercial Grade Coffee/Tea Pod Brewer, Stainless Steel, Black code barre ean 0072504069418 chez Amazon, Ebay, Rakuten, Kelkoo. Créez gratuitement une alerte promo et recevez chaque jour les meilleures promos en ligne et dans votre ville.
Bunn My Cafe Pour-Over Commercial Grade Coffee/Tea Pod Brewer, Stainless Steel, Black 0072504069418


Commercial-quality system is capable of brewing 4-12 oz. of coffee or tea. Fast brewing in about 45 seconds. Portion/volume control. Stainless steel heating tank holds water at the perfect ready-to-brew temperature. Sprayhead allows extraction of all coffee flavoring materials and aromatics.

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