Vinturi V1020 aérateur de vin vin blanc 0490700520562

White wine needs to breathe, too! It's a longstanding myth that white wine does not need aeration. The truth is that white wine displays the same improvements with aeration as red wine. Vinturi for... . Comparez le prix de Vinturi V1020 aérateur de vin vin blanc code barre ean 0490700520562 chez Amazon, Ebay, Rakuten, Kelkoo. Créez gratuitement une alerte promo et recevez chaque jour les meilleures promos en ligne et dans votre ville.


White wine needs to breathe, too! It's a longstanding myth that white wine does not need aeration. The truth is that white wine displays the same improvements with aeration as red wine. Vinturi for White Wine has different internal dimensions and flow rates. The result is perfect aeration specifically for white wine. You'll appreciate the subtle aromatic differences and the full aroma of the wine. Vinturi allows wine to display its intended aromas. ENHANCED FLAVORS Go ahead, take a sip. Vinturi's wine tastes better. It is more flavorful and has better mouthfeel. It tastes like a richer, more expensive wine. It tastes like it was intended to and is more enjoyable. Vinturi's aeration enhances and extends the finish. Any bitterness or bad aftertaste is reduced or eliminated

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