Mcbazel Mcbazel Adaptateur sans fil USB 2.0 Gaming Receiver pour Microsoft Xbox 0781055983660

0781055983660 - This is not an official Xbox one product,- Provides up to a 30-foot range for complete wireless freedom.,- Use up to four Wireless Controllers and four Wireless Headsets simultaneou... . Comparez le prix de Mcbazel Mcbazel Adaptateur sans fil USB 2.0 Gaming Receiver pour Microsoft Xbox code barre ean 0781055983660 chez Amazon, Ebay, Rakuten, Kelkoo. Créez gratuitement une alerte promo et recevez chaque jour les meilleures promos en ligne et dans votre ville.
Mcbazel  Mcbazel Adaptateur sans fil USB 2.0 Gaming Receiver pour Microsoft Xbox 0781055983660


0781055983660 - This is not an official Xbox one product,- Provides up to a 30-foot range for complete wireless freedom.,- Use up to four Wireless Controllers and four Wireless Headsets simultaneously with one Wireless Gaming Receiver.,- Easily integrates with PC gaming scenarios and utilizes the same binding technology as Xbox 360.,- Please scan the QR code on the package, you can find the driver to download ( if it is not found from your PC ), set up video guide and other necessary information for reference.

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