Mercato Italiano "Spécialités italiennes" Parmesan Cheese Bonat 1KG aged 24 months + rounded ice bucket included 0797337414241

0797337414241 Special Italian Market: 1 Kg of Parmesan cheese 24 months of the award-winning Bonat Dairy and 1 Multi-purpose Bucket (available in 3 colors). The bucket can be used as a gift box, ic... . Comparez le prix de Mercato Italiano "Spécialités italiennes" Parmesan Cheese Bonat 1KG aged 24 months + rounded ice bucket included code barre ean 0797337414241 chez Amazon, Ebay, Rakuten, Kelkoo. Créez gratuitement une alerte promo et recevez chaque jour les meilleures promos en ligne et dans votre ville.


0797337414241 Special Italian Market: 1 Kg of Parmesan cheese 24 months of the award-winning Bonat Dairy and 1 Multi-purpose Bucket (available in 3 colors). The bucket can be used as a gift box, ice bucket, flower pot ... The color of the bucket is not selectable and may vary depending on the availability between red, white and black.,Winner of the "The best cheeses of Italy 2012" award - Gambero Rosso,Company first classified in the "National Competition of raw milk dairy 2017" - Associazione Cuochi Alta Etruria,Rounded Ice Bucket Design Made in Italy. Dimensions: H. 23.00 cm / D. 23.50 cm-15.50 cm. Material: tin. Color: red, black, white.

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