Pina Zangaro Pina Flexx Screwpost Binder Milk 11X14Ls 0812193001364

11 inch by 14 inch Landscape format presentation book Made with an ultra-thin acrylic with aluminum hinges Refill sheets not included Screwpost design allows easy page additions and removals Fits a... . Comparez le prix de Pina Zangaro Pina Flexx Screwpost Binder Milk 11X14Ls code barre ean 0812193001364 chez Amazon, Ebay, Rakuten, Kelkoo. Créez gratuitement une alerte promo et recevez chaque jour les meilleures promos en ligne et dans votre ville.
Pina Zangaro Pina Flexx Screwpost Binder Milk 11X14Ls 0812193001364


11 inch by 14 inch Landscape format presentation book Made with an ultra-thin acrylic with aluminum hinges Refill sheets not included Screwpost design allows easy page additions and removals Fits approximately 15 sheet protectors before extensions

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