Calligraphe Calligraphe 18124C Un Cahier Agrafé Jaune (une Marque de Clairefontaine) 3210330181240

3210330181240 CLEAR POLYPRO COVER: Tough, tear-proof and waterproof. No need for notebook covers!,PAPER: superfine white vellum 90 g/m², superior strength and opacity,TRICOLOR RULING: red margin, p... . Comparez le prix de Calligraphe Calligraphe 18124C Un Cahier Agrafé Jaune (une Marque de Clairefontaine) code barre ean 3210330181240 chez Amazon, Ebay, Rakuten, Kelkoo. Créez gratuitement une alerte promo et recevez chaque jour les meilleures promos en ligne et dans votre ville.
Calligraphe  Calligraphe 18124C Un Cahier Agrafé Jaune (une Marque de Clairefontaine) 3210330181240


3210330181240 CLEAR POLYPRO COVER: Tough, tear-proof and waterproof. No need for notebook covers!,PAPER: superfine white vellum 90 g/m², superior strength and opacity,TRICOLOR RULING: red margin, purple lines and blue spaces, for better writing comfort,SMALL SIZE: small in size, easily stored in the school bag,PEFC CERTIFIED: for sustainable forest management.Made in France

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