Kit for Kids Kit For Kids Baby VENTIFLOW(TM) Matelas en mousse - Crib - 88.5 x 39.5 x 3cm 5027959012422
Age minimum: 0 mois Dimensions: 88.5x39.5x3 cm Descriptif produit: A comfortable and supportive foam mattress with a highly breathable top cover and a wipe clean training surfa...
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Age minimum: 0 mois Dimensions: 88.5x39.5x3 cm Descriptif produit: A comfortable and supportive foam mattress with a highly breathable top cover and a wipe clean training surface on the reverse.
ventiflowTM top cover promotes air circulation to help prevent overheating and maximize breathability for the sleeping child. this 3d fabric draws fluid away from the baby's body, forming a barrier between baby and fluids and helping to aid a more comfortable night's sleep.
kidtexTM is breathable and water-repellent..
orthopaedic, dent-resistant foam provides a good level of support and comfort.
permex plusTM is a pvc-free, wipe clean fabric, which is soft to touch. it is waterproof, yet vapour permeable which prevents sweating. an ideal surface for potty training.
88.5 x 39.5 x 3cm