Opro OproShield Gold Gen 4 - Protège Dents Adultes - Multi - taille Black/Gold 5060143571329

5060143571329 Easy to mould and fit, the Gold Mouthguard provides great protection for ball, stick and combat sports. WHAT IS THE OPRO GOLD MOUTHGUARD? The Gold level gum shield is one the best sel... . Comparez le prix de Opro OproShield Gold Gen 4 - Protège Dents Adultes - Multi - taille Black/Gold code barre ean 5060143571329 chez Amazon, Ebay, Rakuten, Kelkoo. Créez gratuitement une alerte promo et recevez chaque jour les meilleures promos en ligne et dans votre ville.


5060143571329 Easy to mould and fit, the Gold Mouthguard provides great protection for ball, stick and combat sports. WHAT IS THE OPRO GOLD MOUTHGUARD? The Gold level gum shield is one the best sellers in the Self-Fit range. Available in a rage of eye catching colours, it provides protection to your teeth and gums whilst still allowing you to breathe and speak freely. This is mainly down to the anatomically positioned fins that soften when boiled to mould around your teeth providing that bespoke fit. Each OP,Competition level protection,Latex free,Easy to fit,Safe and secure fit

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