Découvrez le code barre ean 8809286671384 de Pokemon Korea Pokémon Cartes XY Break 60 cartes deck de bataille Golduck BREAK + Palkia EX Version Corée TCG. Comparez le prix de Pokemon Korea Pokémon Cartes XY Break 60 cartes deck de bataille Golduck BREAK + Palkia EX Version Corée TCG avec son code barre unique
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Promos Pokemon Korea Pokémon Cartes XY Break 60 cartes deck de bataille Golduck BREAK + Palkia EX Version Corée TCG (EAN: 8809286671384)
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Genuine Korean Version -> This is Genuine Pokemon Cards, but Korea version. Please note that all description of box and card is written in Korean. However, language doesn't matter to play this card game. The date of issue : 2015.11.19 Pokemon Card XY Golduck BREAK + Palkia EX Total 60 cards ( 3ea - Golduck BREAK / 2ea - Palkia EX ) Genuine Korean Version (100% Original Items)
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